Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Quick Fact - International Phone Calls

There is no way to avoid long international calls. On one of our projects I spent 29 hours on the phone from China to the U.S. in just one week. That can add up. Did you know that you can call China from the U.S. (or vice versa) for around 5 cents per minute?

I use two companies for phone calls. If I will be at a computer, I use the IP telephony application, This is the same company that powers Yahoo! IP telephony. The quality is generally decent, and this firm currently charges $.05 per minute to call China.

If I can't be at a computer, I use They have US-based toll free access numbers, and if you are travelling internationally and have Internet access you can request an international callback. This feature is very useful from China, since it let's me request a phone call between a telephone number in the U.S. and a number in China. They also currently charge $.05 per minute to call China. This company has a lot of useful additional features, including nationwide dialup Internet access in the US - useful when travelling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you for this info.